Wildflowers of the Rockies

This page is dedicated to you, Aunt Annette!

K’s become obsessed with wildflowers. The 5 mile hike to Wilcox Pass (next post) turned into a 3.5 hour journey as we captured not only the stunning glacial views, but tried to identify and photograph each type of wildflower!

Western Anemone (maybe Globeflower)IMG_0844

Moss Campion   IMG_0838

Poorly photographed Alpine ButtercupsIMG_0851

Alpine Forget-Me-NotsIMG_0847


IMG_0865 IMG_0861

Pink Wintergreen


Arrow-leaved GroundselIMG_0885

Leafy Asters



Orange AgoserisIMG_0887

We’ve seen endless stretches of these Fire WeedsIMG_0873

And of course, in all shades, Indian PaintbrushIMG_0877 IMG_0878

And an abundance of these… yellow flowersIMG_0866



4 thoughts on “Wildflowers of the Rockies”

  1. Oh, you make my heart melt!
    What a wondrous journey you both are on.
    The flowers and scenes are amazing.
    I am particularly fond of the Columbine and Fireweed photographed with such a stunning backdrops which are breathtaking. Enjoy the last bits of your adventure before you begin a new season of life up North. Much love to you both, Always Aunt Annette

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